I don't want to go off thread here . . . looks bright that freedom-leaning people have slapped the Governor (Virginia) in the face and made him rethink the executive order to revoke VA reciprocity with 25 states, and the news last two days has been full of Bloomberg's groups yelling foul and betrayal and the rest of us looking at righting wrongs. The original date for terminating reciprocity was 1 February, and this week that was pushed back to 1 March to give the legislature time to work the official legislation (the Governor claimed he was just enforcing Republican-enacted laws, so those citations are being "corrected" -- basically to remove the Governor and Attorney General's authority to interpret that section of the law). Could still fall apart -- but the Governor is looking at a veto-proof bipartisan majority to pass something in response to the Governor's unilateral executive actions.
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