It's that dang Tacoma air!!! My firefox worked just fine with the "click and go". BTW...Any dealers down that way anymore? I used to love the Triumph of Tacoma folks!

They folded tent and went away a year ago.
Nearest dealer now is in Issaquah (where I bought my R3R) 40 miles away.
Surprised how many more of our US riders are in the east half of the country compared to the west half.
Very KEWL map!
I may be adding to your side of the map. Moving from New York. Looking for a job in the Portland or Seattle area.

WELCOME to the Northwest!
Keep us posted and check out the Rocket Owners Northwest forum thread here.
Now..... if I can only convince my wife to drive the uhaul so that I can take a cross country trip on my Rocket......

I have done it twice in a figure eight from WA STate to the WALL in DC (11,500 mile trip).
DO NOT pass up any opportunity to ride across our country!!!
I have done it twice in a figure eight from WA STate to the WALL in DC (11,500 mile trip).
DO NOT pass up any opportunity to ride across our country!!!
I've done it twice. Just me and my dogs. But I suppose it's a completely different experience on a bike.