Wow this is going to be long lol. I hoped this thread would generate some attention to help me in pursuit of my goals, it most certainly did generate attention lol. I did not mean to directly offend anyone here by stating my simple opinion that I find the R3 displeasing to look at when stock. It's my opinion, "Opinions are like *******s. Everybody's got one and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks." Like I have stated before, I am very interested in buying an R3. Now why would someone purchase something they do not like per-se? I simply marvel at the engineering and accomplishments of the R3 and it's community. I know what the R3 is capable of and I know I probably won't find that anywhere else. This is how I can best explain it; if you have the choice to marry a chick who looks like a supermodel, but is mediocre at best in everything, or a chick who just looks pretty good that loves to and does EVERYTHING well to perfectly... who do you marry? The shallow part of me is the first part to respond by saying supermodel, the logical part of me then says in return the chick who looks pretty good... but then the dreamer in me comes out and says
As far as the externally sprung front forks, I do not expect it to make anything easier or better, I actually expect a degradation of handling, but I want the look because I think it would be awesome to see. I am not looking to try to race a road course with this bike lol. I just want something I can look at and ride and be proud of.
My opinion on darksiders is let them have their fun. I will have motorcycle tires on my bike, except when I want to run wheelie bars and a slick at the track lol.
Come on, you want to mess with turbo busas and think about an X? This is going to need a lot of dedication, even if you choose the R3.
X drivers seem to be very busy staring at their fingernails, whenever we meet them at the traffic lights.
I am not like most of the guys who like the X... I like to ride hard and fast. I LOVE to race. I just thought the X was what I wanted, and I believe the VTX is the best v-twin platform to build off of for power.
Hello Matt and welcome from Virginia. You have said some odd things here. Do you want a Cruiser or a Harley? I think you have confused the two words as interchangeable and they are not. A cruiser is not defined by a V-Twin engine and potato, potato exhaust note. Another point you mention is taking on the super sport bikes? If you mean in the quarter mile or eight mile race maybe. But no cruiser is ever going to compete with them in a road race. The engineering and build is far different and just does not work; think, squeezing blood from a turnip.
I personally reference a cruiser style bike with a Harley sort of style. I feel that cruisers should pretty much have the v-twin or at least old air-cooled engine look in my book. I feel they should be fairly sleek and stylish as well. I don't think they need the Harley sound though. The VTX has a VERY different sound when compared to a Harley, even thought they are both v-twins. I mean nothing against the R3, but it just doesn't give off a cruiser vibe to me, it calls to me from a different realms of bikes. I have no qualms with anyone and their stock styled R3's... it's just not for me. Yes, I want to race the things I mentioned in a straight line from both a dig and rolls. I know that a bike of this style and of this size could never compete lol. I am pretty much all about straight line acceleration and speed.
It is sometimes difficult to join in a forum/group especially a brand and model specific one, I think old mate Matt has some interesting ideas and if fair dinkum with his ideas good on him ,he has just not eased into the group but arrived with a gushing of ideas and opinions asking questions then answering them himself , reminds me of a few new arrivals I have seen come and go in the short time I have been posting on this forum that were discouraged and left the scene , sad because new members and ideas start some interesting responses ,just my two bobs worth
I do agree with being a bit rush and brash with my start on this site, but I have done a pretty good job on my homework before I started posting here. I do not feel I answer my own questions. I simply pose some questions, thoughts, and observations to get you all thinking as well as ask the specific questions I have no answers for, which are: 1)What do I need to do to make this happen? 2) Who do I need to talk to about doing this? and 3) How much will this cost? I have no answers on anything besides performance for the R3's perspective. I do like the way you think though ken, and I look foward to chatting with you in the future, cheers.
Is mattmillme for real. Has he never seen a V-Rod?
Yes I have seen a few v-rods, but I do not really care for them, and the picture posted was from an angle that I did not immediately recognize it from. I thought it was a v-rod, but I did not really care to take the time to guess.
You are talking about two completely different types of bikes. I too have had V-twins of both H-D and Kawasaki, until I rode a Rocket I had know idea about this bike. Once you ride one for a while you will consider nothing else. Take your mind of any other bike and either bite the bullet and buy a Rocket or go buy a used VTX1800. Take a look a Carpenter racing in NJ for Rocket performance inspiration. Keep in mind there are not a lot of R3R bikes around and you will be in a class by yourself. OR, buy a V-twin and disappear into the crowd. No matter how much you spend on any metric or domestic V-twin it will never be a Rocket III!
Just a old Rocket and the owners alterations. They anyway you want but inside is still a big triple and that is what makes them a special beast!!!!!!!!!!
Pretty much my thoughts exactly.
Bobby, he's already shown us his
meddle, so perhaps now he can show us his
Matt, I don't think that you intended to come over to our site to stir the pot, but you have done so, seemingly, inadvertently.
There are plenty of ex-VTX owners here, including myself (I had two - a C model and a Retro).
Bottom line, you can turn pretty much any bike you choose into whatever you desire if you have sufficient cash, time or talent. What attributes best describe your circumstances?
If we know what your resources are, we then can assist you with more accurate and honest answers to your queries.
I have the time and I am pretty sure I have the talent needed to learn quickly if I don't know how to do something lol. I can not speak as far as money is concerned, as I can not speak to the future. This is a project I will complete, I just need to know where to start, who to talk to, and how much $ I need.
I could care less what he does to his bike. I actually enjoy seeing them tricked out in different fashions and would love to see a scrambler/racer RIII.
My issue is coming on an RIII forum and telling everyone you think it's an "ugly ass bike"! A simple lesson in life...if you're going to ask people for help and advice don't start by insulting them!!!
Even more reason to wonder why it's called "Common" sense!
Thank you for your opinion, I would love to share my ideas and bike with everyone. Yes I did come across a bit harsh in my first post, but I did not mean to insult everyone here, my apologies.
I like you lot. you seem like my type of crowd, and quite fun. I think I am crazy enough to stick around here

. I can take some flack... no harm done here anyone. I also hope my apology to everyone will be accepted if I insulted you with my first post. I hope to learn from you all and hear your thoughts on the subject of making a unique motorcycle even more so. Have a great day everyone. Thank you very much.