Thank you Captains for the cheers. The credit goes to all who have given me pointers, tolerated my slow riding and slowed down to show me how to enter turns correctly. I still ride too close to the yellow line. Im working on it. The credit goes to Scott who has been able to tweak the throttle control issues my bike had. The credit goes to Anthony and his wife Theresa who have driven many hours to meet with me and coach my riding. The credit goes to Terra who agreed to drive early to MV and house my butt for four days so I could get some hill riding in before the RAA rally. OlBull the front Pilot 5 works even for slow riders. The reversed grooves shed water well without loss of traction or directional control.
Without this Group I would still think that a the best sweepers are the ramps to get on and off the freeway here in Houston. I am infinitely grateful to you all.