Maggie valley June 2019

O.K. New rule for THIS RAA... Please don't take any more pictures of the same gender in nude or lude situations! I'll admit it, I'm from a small Midwestern town. Kind of sheltered. Now I believe what two or more consenting adults do is THEIR business in the privacy of....
Umm your a fng. You make NO rules
On a different note. Just thought about having this many Rockets at one place. I am bringing a cycle trailer. If any rider needs a different Triumph seat or found the brakes need new pads, etc. I would be willing to toss it in on top of my wife's stuff. Not trying to sell anything but sure hate to not help a fellow rider. Most of my stash is from a 2015 that got crunched. Windshield, touring saddle "bags", bear claw, chrome panels for side plates. Just a thought.
On a different note. Just thought about having this many Rockets at one place. I am bringing a cycle trailer. If any rider needs a different Triumph seat or found the brakes need new pads, etc. I would be willing to toss it in on top of my wife's stuff. Not trying to sell anything but sure hate to not help a fellow rider. Most of my stash is from a 2015 that got crunched. Windshield, touring saddle "bags", bear claw, chrome panels for side plates. Just a thought.
Wanna see the winshield for sure
Yikes. Look at weather Thursday!!!!

Ya can stop dancing now @rainman and I will spill a beer tonight on LittleBigClouds Harley that I made the mistake of washing and waxing last weekend. :cautious:

Should of known better :banghead::banghead::banghead::roll:

I usually wash my bike before heading out to the RAAs... not this time... I pretty sure it will get wet and nasty.

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