Maggie valley June 2019

Repeat after me, "We are about the *people*. We are about the *people*." You might look at Amtrak from Bel Aire, and we'd send someone to fetch you. However you get there, as long as you're there - that's the important thing.
What a fine bunch of peeps!
I'm so proud to be a small part of this fine group!
You guys are too kind and I too have been looking forward to meeting new friends and catching up with old. Paul did suggest driving but I thought I might feel a bit foolish showing up in a cage. I have't cancelled my reservation. Let me ponder this a bit.

It would mean I will always be at the head of the chow line. :cool:

Ian, I'll always make time to get together when we visit Bel Air. I'm going to look into flights to Charlotte

Mike you have to show up because I owe you a breakfast:D
You guys are too kind and I too have been looking forward to meeting new friends and catching up with old. Paul did suggest driving but I thought I might feel a bit foolish showing up in a cage. I have't cancelled my reservation. Let me ponder this a bit.

It would mean I will always be at the head of the chow line. :cool:

Ian, I'll always make time to get together when we visit Bel Air. I'm going to look into flights to Charlotte
Knoxville is closer I think. Fly in and rent a car is the easiest and least physically tiring.