- Rainman
- Stb
- Joseywales
- mully95
- Easttexr111+1
- Sonny
- Steel (= 3 mouths) - 2 bikes - 2 peeps
- Scot in exile
- warp9.9
- mexican +?
- 1K9
- Tripps,, Dave, and Dan
- Frosty Rider
- Dr. D +1?
- Smathersmith
- Spatkey59
- Rktnmypk 1 Indian, 1 Papoose, extra underwear
- Joesmoe + 1
- Triple Trouble +1?
- Smathersfish
- Journeyman28778
- Billb and Laurel
- Rocket Scientist,Tow, the Phoenix +1
- WBaumgartner + 1
- Bigfoot390 +1
- Viperman
- Gr3ywolf
- 1BigDog + Jean. (sorry Jim)
- TheKid
- Alpental
- Thewhingnut
- Ski
- Chip +1
- Tribal
- Ogre + T and Charlie (2 bikes, 3 peeps)
- Speedy and Mary
- Navigator
- Jvheli
- crzystghndkc + 1
- TXtriple + 1
- MaRk3R