You are riding there from MaggieValley, Monday the 24th AM? My issue is that I have a trailer. Lets see how it plays out. I might leave the trailer in MV and go with you guys. Ride back the 25 to get the trailer. How far is this from MV?
On the way back Im supposed to drive to Tallahassee to visit my son for his 40th birthday.
You are riding there from MaggieValley, Monday the 24th AM? My issue is that I have a trailer. Lets see how it plays out. I might leave the trailer in MV and go with you guys. Ride back the 25 to get the trailer. How far is this from MV?
On the way back Im supposed to drive to Tallahassee to visit my son for his 40th birthday.
Here's the scoop. T&i and Tribal Jim are riding there Monday...staying overnight.
Tuesday Jim is continuing north towards NY.
T&i are going back through Maggie Valley (by a different rt. that includes a road called "the Rattler") then down the road to Cherokee, where we are attending an Indian motorcycle rally. So you're welcome to join the triptback to Maggie Valley, if you're interested.
Here's the scoop. T&i and Tribal Jim are riding there Monday...staying overnight.
Tuesday Jim is continuing north towards NY.
T&i are going back through Maggie Valley (by a different rt. that includes a road called "the Rattler") then down the road to Cherokee, where we are attending an Indian motorcycle rally. So you're welcome to join the triptback to Maggie Valley, if you're interested.
Yeah! If it is late Ill stay the night to rest and drive to Florida the next day. That's what you call an encore. I can't walk much in a rally but Ill smoke the peace pipe.