Old man on a bike
Fond, painfull memories!
I had several large singles, worst of which was a 57 AJS 600cc Typhoon. Was so hard to kick it had a compression release and if you didn't time it with your kick just right, the bastard would send you flying, or worse slip off your foot and bust your shin or ankle or both! Naturally I did all three, multiple times.
LOL...I had forgotten about my foot slipping off along with the shin and in particular the skinned up ankle. On the plus side, I never went flying but it made me think twice about what I was doing. If you didn’t keep it in the back of your mind when ever you started the beasts you would get a reminder when you least expected it. I loved those old 500 singles...I learned a lot out fixing motorcycles back then. One hand me down and one basket case.

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