Maggie valley June 2019

I got the pleasure of meeting Journeyman28778 yesterday. Nice, very nice Rocket. Oh yeah, he's a great guy too.
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Only about 140 mile trip for me. I'll do my best. Hard to commit this far out
That's less than one tank of fuel. Just say you're going out for milk or a loaf of bread. These opportunities to see who we ALL are, continue to erode with the passage of time. Please take this opportunity to pass time with some of the best folks I've ever met.
Let me take the opportunity to talk to you newbies and captains that have not made it to one of these events.

Now I am not the kinda guy that gets all warm and fuzzy very often so listen up!

This could very well be my last adventure up in the hills on a rocket. With this gut surgery, my days of hooning it up on a 900 pound motorcycle may be numbered.

That being said, there is no guarantee for any of us that we are going to make it until tomorrow, much less next June.

This is probably the finest bunch of folks and hands down the best group of riders that you will ever meet. I will absolutely not pack ride with anyone but these folks.

If you have never been involved with a herd of rockets running at full song through the mountains, it is something that you DO NOT want to miss. It with sink in all the way to your marrow and the rumbling roar of the of the V twins just adds the bass line to the music.

Get your reservations in kids. This is something that you need to cross off the bucket list.

Especially if we could stage a 30 bike rocket raid on the Bobarosa beer joint :eek::roll::roll::roll:
Let me take the opportunity to talk to you newbies and captains that have not made it to one of these events.

Now I am not the kinda guy that gets all warm and fuzzy very often so listen up!

This could very well be my last adventure up in the hills on a rocket. With this gut surgery, my days of hooning it up on a 900 pound motorcycle may be numbered.

That being said, there is no guarantee for any of us that we are going to make it until tomorrow, much less next June.

This is probably the finest bunch of folks and hands down the best group of riders that you will ever meet. I will absolutely not pack ride with anyone but these folks.

If you have never been involved with a herd of rockets running at full song through the mountains, it is something that you DO NOT want to miss. It with sink in all the way to your marrow and the rumbling roar of the of the V twins just adds the bass line to the music.

Get your reservations in kids. This is something that you need to cross off the bucket list.

Especially if we could stage a 30 bike rocket raid on the Bobarosa beer joint :eek::roll::roll::roll:
AMEN and very well stated. Thanks Bill