Working straight through this month. Today first eight hour in a long time. Weekend eight's then on to twelves for the rest of the month. Cam's ain't in yet anyhow. In shipping but that is one slow boat coming out of Australia. It don't matter to Fuc&ing cold to work on it anyhow. I do not mind riding in the cold but working on a bike in the cold different story. Either way i'm in on this one. Plenty of time left for upgrades and tires. Figure it is time to adjust the nuts on the neck. Get some more stuff powder coated. Top tree bracket and fly screen brackets and clamps. Should look and run sharp. Would not miss this run for nothing.Rooms reservations made all over the country. Even a fancy joint in the Outer banks. Figure I'll tear that place up. I think it is one of those joints were you need a suit and tie to get in.
No plans on packing that i"ll just buy one while am out and about. Could you image the guys face as you pull up for the fancy parking where they park the vehicle for you
The beer breweries in North Carolina should be a kick along with the overnight stay. Meeting folks in Maggie valley that i have talked to on here for the last couple of years should be fun. Still know a few folks around Nashville That are hard core party types and would love to see me again. That will be my first stop. Kind of picking up on a theme Here? Let the wife take a few trips here and there and a few cruises but for me all I have known for the last 19 years is a time clock. TIME FOR A LITTLE BET OF BAD BEHAVIOR. More than ready. Somebody wants to ride along such as the guy from California on the Indian am game. Prefer to ride alone. Long trip all by yourself with no time clock and no one to please just places to be and people to meet. Figure at 61 years old and starting to hurt all over might as well say the HeL^ with it and make ONE LAST RUN. See you in Maggie Valley Joseywales.
Looking forward to the good food you and that dude from Texas can cook. Beats the heL& out of my peanut butter sandwiches.