Maggie valley June 2019

It took about a week for me to get through this thread and if I were some federal official, there would be some individuals looked at for animal husbandry abuse! Wanting Scot in Exile's goat (which I thought was a sheep) for unbecoming acts of a lewd nature reminds me of just how unsavory this group really is. After all, I befriended his goat with his permission years ago. If it is the same one, she must be very loose by now and can't command the princely price she once did. So if I were to show up at this shindig I would expect a new goat/Sheep!

F$ck it as long as she still has six nipples I don’t give a sh!t how Loose she is :whitstling:
Speaking of nipples, I've always wondered WTH about almond "milk". Maybe it's just me but I've never seen a nipple on an almond...:rolleyes:
Was not really thinking about the food in Asheville. I'll show up hungry in Maggie Valley trust me. :):):):):)

That's good Sonny. Most of the behind the scenes food workers in Asheville have flea infested dreadlocks, covered in tattoos ( not the issue) and ride mopeds. I have none of those 3 things going on. Supporting my venture financially is better than promoting hard core drug use. Spend enough time in Asheville and this will become self evident. You should employ a method to determine if you're chatting it up with a "Lola" too. This is the Sodom and Gomorrah of the Appalacian Mountains. Not so in Maggie though. Just Asheville and Buncombe County. The residents there in raised heck about a small Confederate flag on a crane and had it taken down but the mayor Esther Manheimer let "them" hang a GIANT rainbow flag off of the city hall building. Hard to believe that Asheville is surrounded by conservatives and the greatest riding in the East.
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