Love ya Steve, but ima hafta put you in the sonny catagorie on this one - some of us have WAY more to do in our lives than ride our motor.......... Just sayin
Love ya Steve, but ima hafta put you in the sonny catagorie on this one - some of us have WAY more to do in our lives than ride our motor.......... Just sayin
Yes but this one am going to attend. Man took the day off bought a set of leather chaps at T-town up in Tulsa. Nice #hit. Insulated and Insulation snaps in or out. Lady who fitted me to the chaps was in awe when I described the Rocket. She has seen my Harley and now wants to see this Rocket thing. Either way stopped off at a few Casinos on the way home and did rather well the wife and i. Now we are going to look for some good gloves mine are shot that fit the leather Jacket. Have a good set for the suit but they do not fit with the jacket. Casino food can give a guy a bad case of gas. Farted and that really stuck bad while wife was helping on getting chaps on to see how it matches up with Jacket. Its all a good fit and match. Very comfortable and warm. As far for the run this time am in. Come $ell or high water we are in. Don't care. Like that part of the country and Even with it being so far off already planning and plotting. I do ride a bit setting at 48,000 miles on the Rocket X. We do not sleep all the time So if you can not make it that is to bad Steve. Planning on leaving out on the 20TH and riding Hard. Get somewhere east of Nashville and be good with that. Then get up with the sun and ride on in Period. If I trailer is required that just means I $ucked up and missed some maintenance. Not planning on that but who does? Tone of post my be a little rough But that is okay. You all get my point. See you all early on the 21 June 2019.