Seein' as how we're still eight months away, and @sweettennbabe is spot on with the ugly truth that life will intervene and a goodly number on the list will turn out to be dreamers and not show in body, this excellent question you pose will more likely be firmed up in the three weeks before.
I think / hope that 50% is sorta pessimistic and yes some will really have no choice but to be absent. However on the bright side there is still eight months for more members to join!
The more people who are signed up the harder this event will be to miss.
Your right support volunteers will be easier to sort out closer to the date, just thought an idea of who was doing what so far and what might be needed would be good for all to know.
But at least we know who is taking care of the food, looking forward to that.
As said you can expect about 50% or even higher from the original list to drop out for various reasons but the good news is someone always steps in and takes the room. Each time we have had a full RAA event at the motel I think we have booked the place full, now I do not have a problem leading some rides but a few of my rides requires you to be reasonably fit as we have waterfalls we can look at and Clingmans dome which takes a hike to get to the top.
As said you can expect about 50% or even higher from the original list to drop out for various reasons but the good news is someone always steps in and takes the room. Each time we have had a full RAA event at the motel I think we have booked the place full, now I do not have a problem leading some rides but a few of my rides requires you to be reasonably fit as we have waterfalls we can look at and Clingmans dome which takes a hike to get to the top.
Does anybody have the picture they Gabi took from the roof and i am on the parking lot with my arms open? If some one has it please post it so the new guys have an idea of what they are getting into