Maggie valley June 2019

Went through heavy rain in Tennessee and stopped for the night in home about 8 last night. Some storm damage here and no computer till the fried router gets replaced.

Guys, I HAD A BLAST. Thanks so much to Wendy, Glenn, Jay and everyone else who had a hand in setting it up. Glenn...when do you sleep?! Wendy Darling that takes care of the Lost Boys! This FNG figured that out on his own.

Bike ran like top the whole time except for two hiccups....I'll ask about that elsewhere. Stereo, air horn, lights, PCV & AT...everything worked perfectly. I'll do some build threads when the computer is back online.
Post a picture of the granade launcher when you get done with it
T made it home safe.

Last I heard Clint and his daughter were eating in Shreveport.

Sonny has a flip phone, so no internet until he gets home, and he was taking the scenic route. It may be a couple of days before he's back online.

We got in a 11:15 last nite. Steel had to pull over & nap at a truck stop early a.m.
He got here about 10 a.m.
He’s now training Maddie to behave

No easy task, as she is a wild child!!!!
Gonna Start a new thread to advertise Scott’s dog training service