Maggie valley June 2019

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Went through heavy rain in Tennessee and stopped for the night in home about 8 last night. Some storm damage here and no computer till the fried router gets replaced.

Guys, I HAD A BLAST. Thanks so much to Wendy, Glenn, Jay and everyone else who had a hand in setting it up. Glenn...when do you sleep?! :cool: Wendy Darling that takes care of the Lost Boys! This FNG figured that out on his own. :thumbsup:

Bike ran like top the whole time except for two hiccups....I'll ask about that elsewhere. Stereo, air horn, lights, PCV & AT...everything worked perfectly. I'll do some build threads when the computer is back online.
Went through heavy rain in Tennessee and stopped for the night in home about 8 last night. Some storm damage here and no computer till the fried router gets replaced.

Guys, I HAD A BLAST. Thanks so much to Wendy, Glenn, Jay and everyone else who had a hand in setting it up. Glenn...when do you sleep?! :cool: Wendy Darling that takes care of the Lost Boys! This FNG figured that out on his own. :thumbsup:

Bike ran like top the whole time except for two hiccups....I'll ask about that elsewhere. Stereo, air horn, lights, PCV & AT...everything worked perfectly. I'll do some build threads when the computer is back online.
Post a picture of the granade launcher when you get done with it
T made it home safe.

Last I heard Clint and his daughter were eating in Shreveport.

Sonny has a flip phone, so no internet until he gets home, and he was taking the scenic route. It may be a couple of days before he's back online.

We got in a 11:15 last nite. Steel had to pull over & nap at a truck stop early a.m.
He got here about 10 a.m.
He’s now training Maddie to behave :inlove

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No easy task, as she is a wild child!!!!
Gonna Start a new thread to advertise Scott’s dog training service :thumbsup: