Can not get out of work Tuesday so will be going solo on ride in Wednesday afternoon. Lupe and his group are leaving early Wednesday about two hours after i get home from work. I'm grabbing some sleep before i head out around 3:00 PM. Last run here in Oklahoma left the house with about a hour of sleep ain't doing that again. Might catch up to them all in Nashville depends a lot on the weather. Worse comes to worse no later than Friday morning for me. So up for this it is unreal. Really like my New Ugly Waterproof boots (still wearing them) Seems to be helping my knee out it is like walking on air. This will be GREAT
Sonny, you are doin great, man!
Since you got those boots, the weather forecast is getting dry from next Friday on through the next week.
So do you have all your luggage watertight?
There must be sumpin else ya can do or buy for rain....then we'll get another day or 2 of starting on Wednesday or Thursday would be great.