I did and I humbly apologize. My past has made me unnecessarily agitated with short fusing and hair trigger and that's my fault. My mountain grandpa told me this a long long time ago ;
There flies were just hanging out at a barnyard when a cow dropped a freash streaming load of manure and one of the three said hot dang the buffet is open. They all flew down and were chowing down quite a bit when one of them noticed more cows coming their way so they decided to get out of there before they got trampled. They tried to fly but couldn't because they had eaten too much. One of them saw a pitchfork leaned up against the barn so he led the way and up the handle they went walking as fast as they could to escape danger. Once they reached the top they stopped and watched the cattle amble by slowly. The danger gone now, one of them had the brilliant idea that since they had altitude that they could conceivably fly better now. Off it lept into a swan dive and splatterd shortly after take off. Fly 2 says, I didn't eat as much do I'll give it a go. It flew about 6 feet and then did the same swan dive and burst open on impact. Fly 3 is so distraught over losing his two friends, he leaps to his demise as his friends had done before.
Moral of my grandpa's tale was Don't fly off the handle when you're full of crap. I did so. I apologize. He was also known to shoot folks in Eastern Kentucky without much provocation so I got a well rounded edumacation lol. See y'all round the smoker.