Maggie valley June 2019

I'll admit this roundup is personal as it may be my last. Life is short and mine grows shorter everyday but I hope to have a great many more days. There is some back channel stuff going on. A few privileged characters know what's about to happen in my life and pheck no I ain't getting married. It would be nice to see y'all here as it is my intent to return to the homelands to finish my run. That's why this may be my last roundup because I don't see any more RAA's coming to Kentucky. Heck, its hard enough to get folks to come hit this Mecca for motorcycling one more time. It would be really nice to see the "old guard" meet the new cowboyz. Weather should not deter us from doing this. I just survived over 2000 miles riding with Jay and you fellows that braved the rain to get to Talihina. Maggie should be a week long trip to completely enjoy the area. So many famous roads and tons of not so famous rides. Come and get the chicken strips off your tires. I'll post more tomorrow after I take a trip to Georgia. Regardless of where I may be living in 2019, I'll be at this unless I've expired. Joesmoe, you kids please come if you can find a way. Google, sign up brother. Despite the personalities (ME) please try to get here. Ride, drive, trailer, walk or fly in . R3 owners are different which make this such a fun FAMILY. This is as much a family reunion as it is a motorcycle ralley.

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Come on NEW MEMBERS. Don't be shy. Well worth it believe me. Friendly people. ;););););););)
As one of the "new guys" I have to say with the caliber and quantity of great members who are planning to attend this it is hard to pass up.
About 630 miles south from here, hard to imagine a group like this will be getting together anywhere any closer.
I do however work in a seasonal business with April to July the busy season.
May would be impossible so will watch and see when the final date is set.

You get over here, and you'll have a R3 to ride. :thumbsup:
I should have my latest bike painted blue by then. ;)
@Steel - That is a very kind, generous, and much appreciated offer. I'm not sure if I could take the responsibility of riding somebody elses pride and joy, a brave gesture indeed Sir. Unfortunately, I won't know for sure if I will be able to visit until January at the very earliest due to work commitments etc. I have broached the subject, in a round about way, with the 'Boss' and didn't get a negative response. Maybe if I had told her the complete truth it might have been a different story, I've yet to find out! :sneaky::sneaky::D:D
Thank you Glen. This ride is perfect for me. Visit Dr. Ferrer in Monroe, 10 hrs to the hills, ride till it hurts and return vis Jacksonville. We will have the white truck and a trailer.
@Steel - That is a very kind, generous, and much appreciated offer. I'm not sure if I could take the responsibility of riding somebody elses pride and joy, a brave gesture indeed Sir. Unfortunately, I won't know for sure if I will be able to visit until January at the very earliest due to work commitments etc. I have broached the subject, in a round about way, with the 'Boss' and didn't get a negative response. Maybe if I had told her the complete truth it might have been a different story, I've yet to find out! :sneaky::sneaky::D:D
Trust me and you know a Scotsman never tells porky pies :eek: one of Steels bikes would give up a cylinder to have someone else ride it. :D
Well, hell, yeah, count me in! I'm looking forward to the chance to actually meet you guys and to see "multiple Rockets in the wild ~ (@Smathersfish)."

If you've never been to this area before and wondering what the big deal is, you should definitely check it out- some of the best riding anywhere!

Thanks @JoseyR3Wales for the heads up. I've been off the air for several days.
@Steel - That is a very kind, generous, and much appreciated offer. I'm not sure if I could take the responsibility of riding somebody elses pride and joy, a brave gesture indeed Sir. Unfortunately, I won't know for sure if I will be able to visit until January at the very earliest due to work commitments etc. I have broached the subject, in a round about way, with the 'Boss' and didn't get a negative response. Maybe if I had told her the complete truth it might have been a different story, I've yet to find out! :sneaky::sneaky::D:D
Don't worry, we'll keep reminding you what side of the road you're supposed to ride on. :p