Dave, for me, this would be not so much about the roads or area or scenery, although spectacular, as it would be meeting up with the people that attend this event. And it's also a case of a larger numbers of members concentrated closer to this area.
But I d@mn sure want to come ride your area also - I wish @1olbull & you western hemisphere guys would do a RAA west in your N.M. - Co. area at another time too
ALL for meeting up with some good people weather they ride or not,they would be welcome at my place any time.again sorry did not mean to add any NEGATIVITY just voicing my sorry opinion.(2 cents worth)I for one would love to attend a meet up of a large number of members here if I can get the time off to spend enough quality time there to make it worthwhile, but riding hard for 2 days there 2 days back for maybe 2 days there,hard to justify it I will try but looks questionable I do wish you the best of rides wheather and a good time
We had just over nighted in Farmington and were just blowing through. we went down the 550 around the 96 and down the 84 then 14 through Madrid and on into Albuquerque. It was part of a five day tour thought the four states.
Next time we come out I'll look you up with an advanced notice.
ALL for meeting up with some good people weather they ride or not,they would be welcome at my place any time.again sorry did not mean to add any NEGATIVITY just voicing my sorry opinion.(2 cents worth)I for one would love to attend a meet up of a large number of members here if I can get the time off to spend enough quality time there to make it worthwhile, but riding hard for 2 days there 2 days back for maybe 2 days there,hard to justify it I will try but looks questionable I do wish you the best of rides wheather and a good time
I will admit I was probably one of the chief complainers about our accommodations in Kentucky, my room was probably the worst I’ve ever stayed in, but my complaints were towards the management of the motel, not at all towards Jay and Wendy who put together an excellent RAA in every way, Josh and I had a great, memorable time, and in fact the accommodations make for a good story, Josh still loves telling people about whatever the hell was growing in our coffee maker
Wendy and Jay if I seemed unappreciative of the hard work that you both put into making the last RAA a true success, I hope you will accept my apologies.
And I hope to see you both again at Maggie Valley cuz Y’all ain’t gonna believe this sh!t......