Maggie valley June 2019

I had thought to haul my Touring to Mexican's and ride from there but I realized I have a better option. My son's home, and my old Rocket Classic, is in Bel Air, MD. I just did a check and it's an easy two day ride to Maggie Valley, at almost 600 miles, one day for the sturdier riders. I'm an "easy rider" these days who enjoys stopping to take pics and smell the roses.

Hence I'll read over this thread today and call for accommodations availability.
heck do what I do take the long way there screw the interstates. See many more twistier that way. You could even duck down and run the devils whip on your way down there it not to far off. I've been eyeing the roads north of Maggie Valley where Paul and Peg will be staying the week before man it looks like there is some fun roads to be had there. I get there the Wednesday before but actually leave about a week before just for the roads. satellite view show some good roads I always start looking for good stuff coming and going. That how my 450 mile each way turns into a 3000 mile trip.
Come on Mike plus I owe you a breakfast and we can talk about the 84-85 strike.
Mike, you'll be in our "neighborhood" once in Maryland -- we could be company. Planning to go down Wednesday (one day) or Tuesday (leisurely two days). Just let us know.
And so it begins, cancellations and excuses. Reckon we'll whittle it down to 20 before it's over with. I know these roads might deter some that fear going over da mountain. The food will be par excellence. I get danged tired of saying " you'll be missed". You won't be. Most of us are riders. At least the less experienced show up and we appreciate them more. JM2CW.
Come on Mike plus I owe you a breakfast and we can talk about the 84-85 strike.

I believe I owe you breakfast but it will be good to see you again.

That sounds great Paul. We have some time to plan. I'll probably arrive Sunday and do the pre-ride checks, oil change etc. A two day ride would be best for me but I sure don't want you to change your plans for me.
Mike, it's settled then. We'll meet up Tuesday morning, ride part way, spend a comfortable rest night, and roll into Maggie Valley on Wednesday.

We haven't done any more planning than that. Prefer to stay off the slab if we can help it.
Come on Mike plus I owe you a breakfast and we can talk about the 84-85 strike.
Ah quit arguing, to be fair I'll let you both buy me breakfast