Maggie valley June 2019

We've been telling our girls since knee high to a grasshopper: sex is overrated. Want a man ? Learn to cook.

You are a wise Daddy!
Tis exactly how I was ensnared 44 years ago with stroganoff, head, cinniman rolls, more head, morning scramble . . .
Maggie Valley is known as a great location for motorcycle rides.
Does anyone want to talk about their experiences where they have ridden there in the past, where they plan to ride this year? Ride by themselves? Lead /join small or large group?

Maggie Valley is known as a great location for motorcycle rides.
Does anyone want to talk about their experiences where they have ridden there in the past, where they plan to ride this year? Ride by themselves? Lead /join small or large group?


Ya just need to get your IFR rating.

I Follow Rainman.