Maggie valley June 2019

The one thing i have noticed and really stands out from the Rocket crowd is it is more about the individual and not his bike. Unlike the Harley crowd that has to one up each other this crowd seems to be more interested in the rider. Sure riding a Rocket is great but these folks don't really seem to care what you ride. Caught a lot of slack not riding one day down here in Oklahoma on a run. Rolled with it because it was well deserved. Even so believe made a few friends that weekend and enjoyed it very much. The only other run i have made was Leaky Texas. Just a hand full of folks but well worth the time. This run should be fantastic. Will i be on my best behavior not even. Will i be loud and obnoxious you bet. Will i sleep in for a day just might. Will i catch shi% for that yes. Will i grin and take it? You bet. Kind of got this crowd figured out and like very much.
Bikes are great but the people are better.
Stop it. Grilled 4 burgers last night, for some of the club was over fixing junk. They never had a burger like mine. I burned them so bad, but the boys were hungry and ate them. These were the worse burnt offering I have ever given. Can't wait to have chef's again. You boys rock