Low idle

Jay, have you ever cleaned the crank sensor? Just a idea before we make throttle plate adjustments.
No i haven't Scott that will be my next thing for next weekend

So what was the vacuum value when doing the throttle sync?

The spray goes on the stepper motor action arm. It is behind a washer secured with a cotter pin adjacent to the motor.

A drop of oil, if placed in the right place might be enough. Remove the bottom nut and rubber spacer and washers at the bottom of the stepper motor action shaft. Remember the order in which they came out. Play with the actuator arm that goes to the main throttle body shaft. If it is not loose and free, this might be the problem. Try one drop of penetrating oil just behind the cotter pin and play with arm to see if it gets loose. If it does, bingo. Reassemble and calibrate. If it does not go loose try another drop or a spray. Clean excess, it attracts dirt. If this does not do it, remove the stepper motor connection to the harness. To see if it is the motor. There is a way to check this with an ohm meter. I am an electrical moron. Ask Scott how to check it that way.

Mufasa, Sonny and others have advocated for the removal of the motor and adjusting the idle mechanically. I removed the action arm, and butterflies and reconnected the motor to clear an engine light which kept coming ON. Bike now has to be throttled to start but runs good and hard.

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