Living Legend
Nav - I have 2 twin cam HDs now, and often finding neutral can be a bit of a PIA in both. But then sometimes too, either one will simply go to neutral with no problem.... don't know why that is but seems to be a popular HD thing. So, if I gotta hunt for neutral with this '11 Rocket I'm thinking of buying I should feel right at homeAs for problems with the HD Twin Cam, I've had three of'm and never any problems. Maybe I'm just lucky
but that's not to say they don't have weaknesses, because they do. And I hear Harley's new M8 has had some problems too. Cheaping out on parts was and is a big mistake.
Thanks for the input fella's. Considering what I've read and what I've learned since looking into the Rockets (much of it on this forum thank you very much!!) I figured 2011 would be a good year Rocket to consider.
Didn't mean to turn this into a Harley bashing thread but the Twin Cam weakness was in the INA cam bearings and the cam chain tensioners. The fix for the early model TCs was the S&S gear drive and about the post 07 (or so) with the new back plate, upgrading the cam chain tensioners, like those on the Screamin' Eagle bikes, apparently fixed the issue. My point is I believe a positive one for the Rockets; that there are certain mechanical issues but they are rare and not systemic compared to issues like for Harley.