I've been down the loud pipes road in the past. Not going down that road again. Too many hassles. Besides the hassle of the cops (and the fact aftermarket pipes are illegal in Washington State) there is the hour after hour noise when on long trips. I'm fine with Triumph pipes.

Lucky here in western NY, there are loud pipe laws on the books, but zero enforcement. I do remember when I was a kid they hassled bike clubs over loud pipes, but no more, for some reason. Not a huge loud pipe fan, but a power junky, so it was a trade off. Love my Jardines, but yes, the might wear a bit on a long trip.
Pretty sure the last time he posted he gave me a serve :D called me 'Sparky '; Must be a name pipe-building smartarses think will annoy people. See if that gets O'l mate to respond ... got me f#cked why blokes grovel and beg to get him to build them exhausts .. not like he's the only bloke on the planet that can bend and weld pipe !!!!

Paul Bryant at Viking exhausts does some real nice work
mainly older stuff but he does do one offs too
just look at the collector/decat he made
Did he give you a price?
we are discussing details it turns out I know him from the .com site .... yes anybdy that frequents the other site is probally saying as I did "geeez that name seems familar".
We are exchanging ideas and pictures at moment he does not want to go public with a system till he has it worked out and as I said we are discussing some variables so depending on the outcome my system may be redundant
loud pipes

Thanks to all for the input on the straight pipe issue for my R3. I guess I will just remove the baffles in my stock exhaust system. I assume that will work o.k.?
Thanks to all for the input on the straight pipe issue for my R3. I guess I will just remove the baffles in my stock exhaust system. I assume that will work o.k.?

That's what i did when i first got my Standard back in 2009. I was happy with the 'note' from just doing that. I've got a custom 3 into 1 system now , still not all that noisy unless i really give it to her. My days of a constant deafening drone are well and truly over.