Been workin' my butt off, and didn't have much to start with anyway.
That, and trying to keep the atheists in "check" on the other site.
Haven't heard from Sam in a long time.
Last I knew, he PM'ed me and sent me a pic of a prototype of my pipes,
asked if that's what I wanted, and about heat shields,
I PM'ed him back, and nothing since.
PM'ed him a few times, but never get a response.
Sent him a gift basket with some R3 "blue" goodies in it,
same stuff I had made in Red and Black for the rest of us,
but got him some 1 off blue stuff made to match his bike.
Not a word since.
Hope he's alright, but haven't seen a post by him in a LONG time.
Couple of months now I guess.
I guess my pipes are sittin on his shelf,
and he's busy making a living,
that or chasing migets.
So, I'm still running this single instead of my cool mini preds.