loud exhaust


Standard Bore
Jul 30, 2012
Bothell Wa.
2006 Rocket 3
Has anyone removed the stock exhaust at he header pipe and simply ran a chrome exhaust pipe going straingt back and how loud is it? Does it require any mapping? The exhaust systems for this bike are really out of hand for what they are.
Hello and Welcome ... I said HELLO and WELCOME ..... if you turned that noisy f#ckin contraption off you'd be able hear me

No mate , don't think that just running the headers be a good idea
I yarded off the stock mufflers on my 2012 R3R. Before putting on the TORs, I just had to hear . . . I fired it up with headers still connected to the empty 1 into 2 collector box. I was very surprised at how mild it sounded. My 125 inch Kaw V Twin with its baffled 2 into 1 Cobras is louder.

I dislike the size and height of the TORs. They seriously restrict available saddlebag size and mounting. I'm thinking of trying a single straight pipe with a Hyabusa muffler; but, I'm concerned with power loss as it now runs SOOOO sweet with the Hanso ECU and PCV tunes +Auto Tune.
Welcome from Auss a straight pipe from the headers with out any baffleing could pose a lack of back pressure isues with your tune lenght of exhaust resulting in changes the way your bike produces it power, possibly losing some torque but I am not an expert
Yep, im no expert but after several months of R&D and listening to the fellas that made my pipes, what hanso said is spot on.

Also sound wise, tuning sound and getting it deeper, louder is all about pipe width, length baffling and what it is packed with etc etc etc.

If you're after a few ****s and giggles, rip the whole thing off and take it for a fang. make sure it is on a dark night and get it on film. select a gear higher than you should and load her up as revs pick up back her off and watch the fireworks. It's a bloody stupid thing to do, but is lots of fun to watch.

Especially when you are riding around the yarra boulevard on a 1098 Ducati that you are doing it on, no fairings, no exhaust and trying to blow her up the night before you're installing a new engine..the runners on the running track along the side of road became great high jumpers as you let her pop just as you're screaming past!

Did i ever mention I was young and flaming stupid mad once upon a time. Now i have less hair.

Ehhhhh! Ive been telling everyone you are ..

Has anyone removed the stock exhaust at he header pipe and simply ran a chrome exhaust pipe going straingt back and how loud is it? Does it require any mapping? The exhaust systems for this bike are really out of hand for what they are.

Well that was Grumpy.. not even a Hello

Hey GOM.. Welcome from Perth downunder
Start as you mean to go on mate...
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Went for a ride a few weeks ago with a bloke on his r3 with exhausts pointing straight down look good not to noisy but a lot less back pressure and power noticeably less power