Lost like a ball in tall grass


Mar 10, 2006
Longview, TX
Rocket GT
Ok, just got an android table which I'm not familiar with, anyway my question is what does the tuneecu app look like? I tried searching but nothing looked right. Help with this is appreciated
After that I'm sure I'll have about 50 more questions. An if someone could direct me to step by step instructions that would be great.

Ok, I figured out how to get the app. downloaded the v.6.1 version is that correct?
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Ok, just got an android table which I'm not familiar with, anyway my question is what does the tuneecu app look like? I tried searching but nothing looked right. Help with this is appreciated
After that I'm sure I'll have about 50 more questions. An if someone could direct me to step by step instructions that would be great.

Ok, I figured out how to get the app. downloaded the v.6.1 version is that correct?

you need to be specific with your questions.
Thank you for the videos, I learn a lot faster if shown than if I had to read instruction.

Success, got everything up and running and even cleared the maintenance schedule warning light. Thank you all again for the help. Next I guess I'll try loading the penner tune
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You get it from Tuneecu.fr. There are instructions on buying and registering the app and your bike as well as a basic guide on how to use it. The guide is more comprehensive than a video could be so it’s worth reading.
OK, where on tuneecu.net are the tunes? I can't seem to find any tunes. **** I feel dumb
You need to click the Map_Database button: (about 1/3 down the page on the left) That opens a page you can select your Triumph, which opens the maps page for your bike. Scroll down till you find the tune you want then download to your device. Before you replace your tune save your bike's current tune in a folder in case you want to go back to it. It takes about 20 minutes to download your bike's current tune to your device so put the battery on a charger before you start.
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Thank you, got it. Not really.
Now for the next step. Which tune is it the 31013?
My vin is SMTG10JX4LT983681 2020 GT
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