Looking for a cheap solution for TuneEcu computer....


Blog - How to Run Windows on a Mac With Parallels Desktop
I've heard of the parallels solution for Mac. Wouldn't I have to purchase Parallels ($80 - $100) , then Wondows OS (~$50 for Windows 7)? I really don't know, so am just asking, but it doesn't seem like an economical solution. Not to mention that I have now essentially "polluted" my Mac with Windows, which I consider to be the worst software in the world.
Bootcamp is free, but you'd still have to buy a copy of windows.

Boot Camp - Get Started - Apple Support
I think I'm going to have to buy either an android pad or a windows pad to solve my problem. I am a bit of a purist (I am an electronics engineer working with Magnetic Resonance, Computed tomography and digital X-Ray systems). I work with unix, linux, Red-hat linux, and windows (trash) software. The worst of the operating systems in the world is Windows. How Bill got the world to drink his coolaide is beyond me.
Please don't take this to mean that I don't appreciate the sincerety of the help offered here. I really do. I just want to keep the Windows virus maker away from my Mac's.

torrent sites get both of them fee
I tried parallels, it didn't work. The ECU seems very latency sensitive.

Boot camp works fine though. I have an 80ft Usb cable from my desktop in my study to the garage. No issues.

Also, borrow a mate's laptop - worked for me.
Get a CHEAP OLD INTEL CHIP Netbook. I've see them here for as low as €50 with 6 month guaranty.
I have one with an Atom chipset.

Dual boot Windows7Starter (or XP) and Ubuntu based Linux (I use Mint). Any of the LTS releases.
Just set up windows so all networking is disabled. Delete the drivers.
And use it just for TuneECU and/or Power Commander - makes driver work easy.
Has the plus that as Windows wont try to update either the Op-Sys stays small and neat.

Do any downloads via Linux to shared drive.
The worst of the operating systems in the world is Windows. How Bill got the world to drink his coolaide is beyond me.

As a guy who works with computers day in and day out, I can safely say that this is hyperbole. Windows 10 may have a little too much "call home" going on, but it's a fine PC operating system.

As for how DOS and then Windows became and remained dominant, that's squarely down to backwards compatibility. Plus, there is no corporate computing solution that beats the Microsoft array of Exchange, Outlook, and Office and so on.

macOS is a fine OS, no question, but there are still far plenty of reasons to use Windows. Not least the fact that if you want to run games, a mac is borderline useless, and lots of people game at home.

Well I too am a MAC only person after Windows 3point.... whatever. I bought an Accer new at Best Buy with Windows 10 just to dedicate to TuneECU? I couldn't figure out Windows 10, never even tried to connect to the bike, so I returned the computer and bought Parallels? Then I had to buy Window 10...^%$#%@#. After about a week of trial and error I got it to connect with the bike but every time I do try it's a different sequence and tremendous PITA. Also messed up my MAC and it's never been the same, mostly runs slower and the fans kick on when Parallels is running. Had to do several searches for fixes, many hours of frustration.

So I went and bought an Android tablet brand new at Walmart for $76 + ($12 for the app) and it hooked right up no problem, except the functionality of TuneECU is pretty limited to loading and retrieving tunes. Same thing with the Power Commander app, you can load and download but it's pretty limited. I thought it would be way more practical to throw in the saddle bags for trips than the laptop, but will see?
You can run windoze on a Mac, either natively, with dual boot, or with Parallels, but honestly if you are breaking with Microsoft...break completely. They are like crack and you have to quit entirely. For TunECU a cheap Android tablet is fine, and better than a phone for us over 50, since we can actually SEE what the tablet says! Death to Microsoft!