All you can do is play with ergo triangle (seat, bars and pegs) and see if you can get it to work out. I have had 2 sets of bars, 1 set risers, 4 seats and 2 sets foot controls. All I can say is that when I'm done with this bike the next one will fit me. I can do 600km in a day with breaks, but not once have I ever not been sore. So I guess my opinion is either put up with it as best you can or decide how much money you want to throw at it. I have $3000CAD into ergo's alone and I'm done with it. I still ride it and deal with it but I can't throw more good money after bad. I have a trip across country coming up either next year or 2018 and I'll be riding a Victory. Not based on HP or bling or my "buddy has one", but because they fit me. Best of luck.