longer ride soreness

For me it was simply switching from the roadster handle bars to the touring. It brought the bars back ever so slightly but the real benefit for me was bringing the wrist angle inward just a few degrees. I used to hurt after 1 hour. Now I can go 10 to 12 with just normal fatigue but no more back or neck pain. I'm 5'9" and 180lbs. I think this is one of those things that is very specific to each persons particular body type. For instance, most people want the footpegs more forward or hi way pegs. I would love to move the footpegs back about 2 inches but can't figure out how to do it with the ABS system on my 2013 roadster.
All you can do is play with ergo triangle (seat, bars and pegs) and see if you can get it to work out. I have had 2 sets of bars, 1 set risers, 4 seats and 2 sets foot controls. All I can say is that when I'm done with this bike the next one will fit me. I can do 600km in a day with breaks, but not once have I ever not been sore. So I guess my opinion is either put up with it as best you can or decide how much money you want to throw at it. I have $3000CAD into ergo's alone and I'm done with it. I still ride it and deal with it but I can't throw more good money after bad. I have a trip across country coming up either next year or 2018 and I'll be riding a Victory. Not based on HP or bling or my "buddy has one", but because they fit me. Best of luck.
For me it's a Russell seat, bead rider and a back rest. The right screen will help also.

Interesting that you use the beads with the Russell.
No such thing as TOO MUCH comfort???

I have a set of Touring bars if someone needs them.
Only catch is - I do NOT want to package and mail them, so coming to the Tacoma area would be necessary.
I'm sure i'll regret it, but I think I'm going to trade her in for the bmw r1200 gsa. Bone stock that thing was totally comfortable for my body ergo's. like zonechamp said, i don't want to keep throwing money at it, hoping something works for me. I wish i could afford to keep both.
Interesting that you use the beads with the Russell.
No such thing as TOO MUCH comfort???

The beads really don't add any comfort at all. Just sitting on the bike the beads feel a little bit like small rocks but riding they allow for easy movement and nice air flow. Really works well if there is any rain.

But no doubt, for a p****y like me, No such thing as TOO MUCH comfort

A BMW and a Rocket not exactly apples for apples not all are as handsome and young as me so that being said age becomes a factor but that you cannot change, so get a seat that comfy for you and a backrest should help.

Was that there a trump-ism?