LED Headlights

[URL='http://www.brands4bikes.de/beleuchtung/scheinwerfer/scheinwerfer/nicht-vor-mai-2014-lieferbar-highsider-5-3-4-zoll-led-hauptscheinwerfer-atlanta-mit-standlicht-metallgehause-schwarz-seitliche-befestigung-e-gepruft/']Ah, so!! Hauptscheinwerfer ATLANTA mit Standlicht, Metallgehäuse schwarz, seitliche Befestigung, E-geprüft. I thought so..........
FYI - I just spent the last five nights in a row riding home midnight or later in the country dark from a motor gathering.
The Daymakers are great! I can run 55 - 60 without outrunning my light as opposed to 50 before.
Can't wait to light meter test these puppies!
I was led to believe they wouldn't fit but all Kuryakin said was that they didn't make them for the Triumph. Seeing as I was fitting Harley 5 3/4in lights I figured the trim for a Harley 5 3/4in would fit so I took a punt and bought a couple.

Would you take a guess whether the Halo rings would fit the normal headlights???? I like the idea.....!
Would you take a guess whether the Halo rings would fit the normal headlights???? I like the idea.....!

I had the two driving lights on the R3T upgraded to Arctic Blue bulbs a great improvement, a pure white light with less current draw, anyone with the Touring driving lights should try them .
The Truck-lite Phase 7 also has companion driving lights (4.5 inches) that should work fine with the Triumph fog lamps. So you can go led on all three. Planning on that myself but probably not until fall. And it's nice that all three inserts can be had for a total of about $400.

On the R3T Aussie model has driving (clear lens) lights ,these are genuine triumph accessory units and a simple bulb upgrade makes a good lighting combination.