LED headlight upgrade

Just ordered a set of the Fun Love LEDs. Anybody have any long term reliability data? Dimmer over time Pros/Cons you have after having had them in for some time?
Have used them for 2 months.
Seems like the low beams are not bright enough during the day to get Cager's attention.
I leave High's on in daylight unless I am directly behind a car, then I flip them off (just me).

High beams don't seem to reach as far at night. I have not been out very long after dark with them, nor on a long stretch of road to really tell for sure.
The Highs don't reach as far as the PIAA Extreme Whites I had before these.

But brightness at night, at least for about 200 feet, is excellent, and the beam is as wide as the road.
Except for the Deer around here at dusk and at night, I am no longer afraid to ride in the dark.

I suspect pricier options would throw the high beam further.
Overall, good for the money.
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What do you guys do re the position/parking light? Take out the bulb?
If you install the FunLoves, they replace the entire glass lens, so no marker lights anymore.
One thing I forgot to mention:
My check engine light came on after installing these LEDs.
It went out after about 150 miles of riding and has not come on since.

Not exactly a warm and fuzzy, but I'll take it.
I suspect pricier options would throw the high beam further.
Maybe - though the more likely is that the pricier options use AUTOMOTIVE GRADE LEDs and drivers. These turn out less lumens/watt but are also less susceptible to heat. Will anybody actually notice a lifetime difference? - Too early to say. Just be thankful that R3's have bog standard round lights.