Larger wind screen for 2.5L Rocket

Where did you get the trolley-stand? Looks like a sturdy job!
Sorry to be so long in replying. I bought the dolly from the US on e-bay in 2015, it's made by a company called Oxbuilt but they seem to have stopped trading. It's a shame since it's a great dolly, very strong and makes spinning the big bikes very easy. CJ Autos are the only UK company I know of that do one similar to mine but I have no idea of the quality.

Both mine are made from Powerbronze.

The 'small' at my height and bike config works great, nice clean air on my helmet and no buffeting at any speed the bike is capable of in it's stock form.

The 'medium' size one provides much more body protection although I do get some buffeting at over 85mph (on a private road of course). It provides better rain protection to the front of my body than the small, (which does not provide any at all) and it provides good protection for my phone which is mounted above the clock assembly.

I do not own the 'tall' 2-piece option so have no view.

Hope this helps, YMMV being 3" shorter
Thanks a lot, I meant to say POWERBRONZE instead of POWERBLADE.
I will try the 46MM I saw on amazon in the USA, the only draw back is that I am unsure if it will look good.
I wish Powerbronze customer service was better and more accommodating, as I was ready to buy one from them, but anyway, they are expensive.

Cheers and thanks, appreciated it, great review.
Sorry to be so long in replying. I bought the dolly from the US on e-bay in 2015, it's made by a company called Oxbuilt but they seem to have stopped trading. It's a shame since it's a great dolly, very strong and makes spinning the big bikes very easy. CJ Autos are the only UK company I know of that do one similar to mine but I have no idea of the quality.

Thanks for the reply, the CJ Autos one looks decent
I have the 2 piece powebronze and like it. I am 6'1", provides pretty good protection. Adjustable so sometimes I lower it unless alot of hwy.


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Hey all, I'm loving my new Rocket so far, but I'd like to find a way to increase comfort at freeway speeds (70+ mph). I'm a pretty tall guy and with the upright seating position on the GT, I really take a lot of wind in the chest. The little GT windscreen doesn't really seem to do anything (it's not adjustable is it?)

Is there other windscreen options available? Not looking for something huge, just looking to make freeway speed cruising more comfortable.
I've has a power bronze adjustable screen for a while now on my Rocket and wouldn't ever be without it. Amazing difference in ride comfort at high speed too!
No buffeting at all


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I've has a power bronze adjustable screen for a while now on my Rocket and wouldn't ever be without it. Amazing difference in ride comfort at high speed too!
No buffeting at all
Nice, really does the job, but a bit bulky and very expensive with shipping to the US.
Beautiful motorcycle, fantastic everything, TFC model correct?
No, I wasn't aware of that site. Thanks! Is anybody using any of these?
Hello there,
I went for a KOMPOSITE, which is a beautiful screen, but not necessarily well made, as the screws did not really align, but look great and works well after some hicks ups for the installation. So YES, the powerbronze will be a great option with a price to pay (that is why I did not buy it). If you do get the powerbronze, do not go for the simple cheaper smaller one (which looks pretty much like the KOMPOSITE) but does not offer HWY protection for your HEAD.
I just rode my GT from NYC to MIAMI, did 1379 Miles in one shot (19:40 hrs with gas stops), which I am very used to (with a Harley) but the wind in the helmet was simply VERY NOISY...took 2 days to compensate my ears for regular noise, I had a buzz in my ears for at least 48 hours after the ride, however no CHEST wind at all, just helmet.
Check out KOMPOSITE screen, not bad att all for the price, but not GREAT protection.
Have you had a look at the Powerbronze website?
Hello there,
I went for a KOMPOSITE, which is a beautiful screen, but not necessarily well made, as the screws did not really align, but look great and works well after some hicks ups for the installation. So YES, the powerbronze will be a great option with a price to pay (that is why I did not buy it). If you do get the powerbronze, do not go for the simple cheaper smaller one (which looks pretty much like the KOMPOSITE) but does not offer HWY protection for your HEAD.
I just rode my GT from NYC to MIAMI, did 1379 Miles in one shot (19:40 hrs with gas stops), which I am very used to (with a Harley) but the wind in the helmet was simply VERY NOISY...took 2 days to compensate my ears for regular noise, I had a buzz in my ears for at least 48 hours after the ride, however no CHEST wind at all, just helmet.
Check out KOMPOSITE screen, not bad att all for the price, but not GREAT protection.