Larger wind screen for 2.5L Rocket

Maruice, did you have it installed this summer in the heat? Still get plenty of air flow to keep cool?
Yes I did. No problem with heat. Adjustable so you can put it down if you want.
If you ride with us this weekend coming, you are welcome to try my bike and see if you liked it.
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i have the small, Medium and adjustable windshield from PowerBronze, the adjustable was nice, but the lower plastic that the adjustable section connects to split in half one day, and apparently they don't warranty that, the medium wasn't bad it did block some wind, there was a bit of a wrap around effect with the wind, but not to bad
Thanks MrPix! Great photos! Would you say the wind protection is significantly different between the two? Curious which one you got first and why you decided to buy the other one too?
I bought the small when I had the sport bars and seat, the wind hit my visor
I bought the mid and this worked very well with clean air around my head.
I changed the bars to touring and the mid caused buffeting, so swapped to the small, which worked well.
I changed the seat to touring and the small was even more effective than with the sports seat.
The mid is more effective with touring bars and touring seat but does not look as nice as the small, so stick to the small most of the time.
If I put the bags and rack on the back for touring, I'll change the screen to the mid as the look will already be compromised.

hope that helps you... I am 6' tall, which has a bearing for sure on my configs and experiences.
Hey all, I'm loving my new Rocket so far, but I'd like to find a way to increase comfort at freeway speeds (70+ mph). I'm a pretty tall guy and with the upright seating position on the GT, I really take a lot of wind in the chest. The little GT windscreen doesn't really seem to do anything (it's not adjustable is it?)

Is there other windscreen options available? Not looking for something huge, just looking to make freeway speed cruising more comfortable.
amazon has a really nice taller screen in clear or dark smoke. Took a while to get it as its made overseas. Lexan is nice a thick and mounts
in same position as stock but taller and wider.
I bought from Puig hi-tech parts. See the link
By washer and longer bolts I adjust windshield into an upright position


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I have the small and the medium...... both work great with GT bars and seat on my R... I'm 6' tall
This is the medium screen (before I changed bars and seat)

and this is the small screen:
Looks good, I like both, but I am sure the small does not protect much.
I am 5'9 (1.77 mts), thus can you tell me how the tall one protects you? Also, what brand is this one? I contacted Powerblade, not very friendly people some straight forward an rude replies! plus they are more expensive and shipping to the USA is 25 British Pounds, while others offer free shipping, so i am looking for another brand. Your seems like the one I saw on AMAZON from GP KOMPOSITE, they look pretty good for the price.
Please let me know hte brand of yours and how does it work on the highway speeds.
Thanks a lot.
Looks good, I like both, but I am sure the small does not protect much.
I am 5'9 (1.77 mts), thus can you tell me how the tall one protects you? Also, what brand is this one? I contacted Powerblade, not very friendly people some straight forward an rude replies! plus they are more expensive and shipping to the USA is 25 British Pounds, while others offer free shipping, so i am looking for another brand. Your seems like the one I saw on AMAZON from GP KOMPOSITE, they look pretty good for the price.
Please let me know hte brand of yours and how does it work on the highway speeds.
Thanks a lot.
Both mine are made from Powerbronze.

The 'small' at my height and bike config works great, nice clean air on my helmet and no buffeting at any speed the bike is capable of in it's stock form.

The 'medium' size one provides much more body protection although I do get some buffeting at over 85mph (on a private road of course). It provides better rain protection to the front of my body than the small, (which does not provide any at all) and it provides good protection for my phone which is mounted above the clock assembly.

I do not own the 'tall' 2-piece option so have no view.

Hope this helps, YMMV being 3" shorter