
former airline pilot without the big bucks
Feb 16, 2010
2021 rocket3 GT
I guess some people have a serious problem with other road users whe traffic gets heavy but the split second decision by the rider make me think the driver is in a heap of problems as soon as he stops!!
Not sure about your neck of the woods but lane splitting here is legal now in most states , still get tards that like to drift over on you though , i have given them renditions of my colourful vocabulary on a few occasions........
I believe California is the only state in the U.S. that lane splitting is allowed. Personally I am not a fan. The cage drivers are the most dangerous things in the world to start with, why get into a confined space with them. But I have never done it so I should probably keep my mouth shut.

After viewing the video, the guy in the truck needs his teeth kicked in.
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I was entering the freeway today, in my car, and driving along the clear and reasonably lengthed, filter lane. The traffic was moving very slowly, so I was using the lane to get ahead of some of the traffic - but driving at a reasonable speed. There were two trucks with wide loads that I wanted to get past safely and with no fuss. The truck in front (second one that I wanted to pass) decided to move halfway over into my lane, and use two lanes at the same time to cut me off. I used half the lane that was left to me, and a bit of the shoulder, to pass him. I was very tempted to stop short in front of him so that he could buy me a new car.
Sure did would have loved to see what happened next
to all the US captains who are ambivalent about lane splitting , it is all a matter of genuine understanding from cage drivers and two wheels riders ,I come from a country where lane splitting ( at any speed ) is tolerated I have done such in the left , the right and even in the median without any fear ever ,and when traffic stop at a red lights all two wheels are jammed between cars ready to take off ahead of car I am talking about dozen scooters and or bikes.
car will MOVE OUT of the way when they see a bike approaching between lane behind them either left or right yes THEY MOVE OUT OF THE WAY and I have never heard nor seen in europe of a car doing the stupid ( criminal ) move of the truck in this video .it is all a matter of sharing road.
but in north america car are still the dominant vehicles on the roads and with the lax exam for getting a drivers license ( a real joke) there is no wonder we see so many car/bike encounters costing limbs and life for the two wheel kind.drivers believe they own the road and behave accordingly and should a bike dare pass between lane WELL!! WE SHALL SEE ABOUT THAT is their attitude
a serious effort should be made to teach future drivers to respect other users of the asphalt and not believe in the conceited view that they own the lane. ( end of rant)
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We had a bill to allow it here in Colorado, but it was shot down mostly based on the opinion of the police that there wasn't enough evidence proving it safe.

I was pretty unhappy.
Only time i actually lane split is when traffic is at a complete stop, when it's moving slow i use either of the verges , seems much safer.