We had a bill to allow it here in Colorado, but it was shot down mostly based on the opinion of the police that there wasn't enough evidence proving it safe.

I was pretty unhappy.
how can police( in your state ) have evidence of something not being safe if it is not allowed to start with??
tell these nickonpoops to go and check goldwing taxis in Paris no not in texas but Paris france there are dozen of them picking up fares at airports and they advertises the time they need to take you downtown
generally a third the time of a 4 wheels taxi . and split they do it is a ballet of maneuvers right left right and on and on so far there has been only two minor scuffs that I know of and because of the time saved they are very popular different world I guess!!
Let me see if I can finish that fight. Biker climbs in the back of the pickup truck and starts smashing the driver's face. Driver rolls up the window and biker smashes it back open. Driver stops and gets out of the truck and biker continues to smash him without fear since he is wearing a full-face helmet. And protective clothing. Driver gets beaten to a pulp and biker walks back to his bike picks it up and rides off kicking the beaten driver as he passes him.
Let me see if I can finish that fight. Biker climbs in the back of the pickup truck and starts smashing the driver's face. Driver rolls up the window and biker smashes it back open. Driver stops and gets out of the truck and biker continues to smash him without fear since he is wearing a full-face helmet. And protective clothing. Driver gets beaten to a pulp and biker walks back to his bike picks it up and rides off kicking the beaten driver as he passes him.
I feel good about this scenario...
That truck driver clearly did that intentionally - there was no space for him to pull into even if the bike was not there.
Lane splitting(filtering) is safe if performed CORRECTLY the idiots most people see doing it are not a good example for an argument:eek: although you can lane split in California it is still technically illegal the authorities permit it but it is not on the books that you can do it, the AMA had an article out a few years ago that the big four sunny states(CA,TEXAS,ARIZONA,FLORIDA) were doing a study on lane splitting-I will have to look for the article as the various experts said that if performed correctly is actually safer for the motorcyclist and helps keep traffic flowing.
As said by Patrick North America has a car attitude as is if I can not do that then I am not allowing anyone else to do it, the training has to start at the lowest level possible-the teen driver- as we all know car drivers are not taught to look for smaller objects in fact your brain will pass over a smaller object to pick up a larger one.
Will lane splitting come I believe so but it will take a lot of education and opening up a lot of closed minds.(politicians and road users)
Go to most Asian countries and lane splitting is and has been the norm for a very long time. I find it commendable how so many people can get from A to B with little aggression and a lot of cooperation from other road users. Here in Western Australia lane splitting is legal if done correctly. You can only pass on the drivers side within the same lane, not overtake on the inside (passengers side). I find it safer to filter when the traffic is at or near to stopped so I can get ahead away from cars. I find a lot of drivers here inconsiderate, rude, brainless and in a lot of cases more dangerous than moving around in Asian countries.
I was recently in India and the marked lanes seemed to be more of a suggestion than anything else. Everybody rode (or drove) where they needed to, everyone payed attention to everyone else, and the traffic moved freely with virtually no stops at all. IIRC, we may have stopped 3 or 4 times in the three weeks that I was there - and those stops were only for a couple of seconds.
I don't generally split lanes but I will if I feel my spot on the road is not safe. I usually ride close to the center line as I feel it gives me the most versatility to get out of a bad situation. If I notice people on there phone or otherwise not paying attention I will split lanes as a last resort. I ride as if the people in cars don't see me because it is better to assume they don't. I hate hearing riders (often inexperienced) ***** about how they were almost killed by someone who wasn't paying attention. Just assume they aren't. Oops this is about lane splitting. I will split lanes in Cali as well but only if the traffic is going well below the posted speed.