Keyless ignition

It's interesting, this particular keyless ignition requires you to wave the fob in front of the sensor to turn the bike on or off. In effect, it would become a key. The sensor couldn't be placed behind anything metal otherwise it wouldn't pick up the fob. They do have a super small fob that can be sewn into your glove negating the need to hunt for your fob. My question, is it possible to accidently swipe your gloved fob over the sensor while riding? If so, will the bike shut down? I think I like @DEcosse 's system better.
Would you need to get a fob for every pair of gloves?

What do you do if you aren't wearing gloves?
Have you looked at the DIY instructions of @idk ? Recently ?

Barely two pages, could take a couple of weeks if one is busy with life, to gather the parts.

An hour or two, if like me, you really like to study things before doing anything with the wires.

And then, 15 minutes to install ?

And you have keyless.
Would you need to get a fob for every pair of gloves?

What do you do if you aren't wearing gloves?
Apparently you can purchase extra fobs for your system which an be sewn into other gloves but only a total of 3 can be programmed to work at a time (from what I've read.... correct me if you know otherwise)

No gloves, no fob = no start unless you kept your key in the system.