Note: I can now supply option with a plug n play version with harness/connector to the OEM Key-Switch connector in place of the PosiTap harness.
Just built myself a little Test Module/Simulator - makes it much easier for testing than the rats nest of wires, switches and lamps I was using previously!
Recognize in most of the video we are looking at the Test Module which of course is NOT part of the kit.
The video helps to illustrate how the system works, only using the OEM bike switches for operation.
The 'Ready' LED on the bike is actually the OEM alarm LED in the instruments.
And there is no additional 'ignition' indicator - it is obvious when the ignition turns on, same as if you just turned the key.
Sorry - got a bit dyslexic in the audio at the end of the video, transposing 'armed' and 'disarmed'
Just to clarify, the Ready (or dis-armed) state is indicated by the Green LED being on.
System DISARMS automatically (becomes 'Ready') when you approach the bike and LED is ON;
As you walk away from the bike, the system automatically ARMS or 'Not Ready i.e. LED is OFF)
And just to be clear, normally you do not have to touch the remote - I'm only using the manual button so I can operate it directly at the controller, so I don't have to walk away with it while filming; normally it just remains in your pocket and all works purely off the detector; range is about 5m and as you walk towards bike, you will see the turns flash and when you get to it the 'Ready' LED will be on; then all you have to do is set the Kill to 'Run', pull the clutch, start and go. Remote never leaves your pocket.
Similarly, shut bike down with the Kill switch (I typically immediately set it back to 'Run' after bike is off), then simply walk away and it will re-arm itself