Just a question...

I joned this grp because I wanted to see why others were smilling like I was, and for what reason then I meet some of you. This site is so much calmer and smother and full of ----------------
As with COMic this doesn't seem to be a big area for Rockets (at the last Port Dover rally with an estimated 50,000 bikes I only saw 3 including myself), I wanted to see what people were doing to modify their rides. Always sucks to go out and spend hundreds of $$ on something to find out that it doesn't work as expected. I can get that kind of information on the other .com site too but the folks here seem a bit more genuine. Maybe it's just me but the other site seems to have some members who just talk out their butt and aren't really speaking from real world experience, people here are real enough to preface their advice with a humbling phrase like "I'm no expert" or are truthful by saying "I like part X but I've only had it for a couple hundred miles, not sure how well it will hold up". I have also NEVER seen anyone here look down at another member, other sites want to know your latest dyno numbers so they can work out the pecking order, your level of expertise and the validity of your statements is based on how much HP you are delivering to the rear wheel, like what does that have to do with how well a set of Rivco risers works?

This place just seems like a bunch of real people talking about their rides over a pint of beer, no judgements, no pissing contests, just folks who are passionate about their ride and willing to help a fellow out.
As with COMic this doesn't seem to be a big area for Rockets (at the last Port Dover rally with an estimated 50,000 bikes I only saw 3 including myself), I wanted to see what people were doing to modify their rides. Always sucks to go out and spend hundreds of $$ on something to find out that it doesn't work as expected. I can get that kind of information on the other .com site too but the folks here seem a bit more genuine. Maybe it's just me but the other site seems to have some members who just talk out their butt and aren't really speaking from real world experience, people here are real enough to preface their advice with a humbling phrase like "I'm no expert" or are truthful by saying "I like part X but I've only had it for a couple hundred miles, not sure how well it will hold up". I have also NEVER seen anyone here look down at another member, other sites want to know your latest dyno numbers so they can work out the pecking order, your level of expertise and the validity of your statements is based on how much HP you are delivering to the rear wheel, like what does that have to do with how well a set of Rivco risers works?

This place just seems like a bunch of real people talking about their rides over a pint of beer, no judgements, no pissing contests, just folks who are passionate about their ride and willing to help a fellow out.

I'M NO EXPERT BUT,,,,that's what im talking about!!!!!!!!!:D
I joined this site prior to purchasing my Mulberry Mistress primarily to determine whether I should purchase a Rocket III or not. The result has been a more than happy one, thank you!
Joined? (mexican)

what is the reason you joined this forum?
Is it frendship? Plenty of people closer to make friends..
Is it to discuss technical support? Dealership is only 10 miles away..
Is it to discuss religion? Do you even go to church?? There is one in every corner of your town!
Is it to discuss politics? The world is already full of frustrated politicians!
Is it to chase girls? Plenty of bars around town!

So,, why did you joined???:)

was invited by steve coward an katie, met alot of great new friends, more our crowd of people an friends! Hope to make more new friends, an we all ride the iron horse rockets :) under our ass!!!!:d need any further explanation????
We come here because there are nice people with plenty of good info and resources on the Beast. We like both the people and the info. We visit a couple of other R3 sites as well.

We trudge on.
I can get that kind of information on the other .com site too but the folks here seem a bit more genuine. Maybe it's just me but the other site seems to have some members who just talk out their butt and aren't really speaking from real world experience,. I have also NEVER seen anyone here look down at another member, other sites want to know your latest dyno numbers so they can work out the pecking order, your level of expertise and the validity of your statements is based on how much HP you are delivering to the rear wheel, like what does that have to do with how well a set of Rivco risers works
As far as I'm concerned we are all bikers, equal here & at .com
HP or custom mods are only the bike, but we are what we are regardless
of what we own or ride, what someone else perceives is up to them.
Me I have hp & Rivco risers BOTH work very well, & I reccomend them