For the free Tupperware. I still use the deviled egg plate every Thanksgiving.
I have been around off and on since the early days. There have always been folks here to make you laugh even on a bad day, give advice on how to, what to buy - what to avoid, and most of all engage in good natured banter. There have been heated discussions, long debates, threads that go forever about the most mundane topic on the planet, but you just have to keep reading. This site has always had members who possess technical expertise and will share their knowledge with those of us with the larger brows. In other words, a good site with good people. New members come, old members go but the quality stays the same mainly thanks to Pigger, Shawn, and others who have moderated before. They are like a good hockey referee, you got to know when to step in. Don't forget the early ones we don't hear from anymore, wonder where they are now????
Raymond Braswell
(Flipper, you still hanging in there?)