Jumps out of first gear?

As stated above, make sure you have the correct oil and adjust the clutch to 3mm play! Pull the clutch cable jacket away from the clutch handle and measure the slack in that space.
Another thing I've found is to only pull the clutch lever in, right as your going to put it in gear. If you pull it in ahead of time I believe the gear clusters stop rotating (they actually have a brake inside the trans to slow them). If they don't happen to stop with the dogs aligned, they land on top of each other. That second clunk you feel is when they finally align and engage. Once you get the hang of pulling in the clutch at the same time you press down the shifter you'll feel it clunk and know it's in fully in gear. I went through the same thing when I first got mine.

I always double clutch when shifting from neutral to first!
Hi all. An update. I changed the clutch cable (longer one, bar risers fitted) and made careful adjustment to the clutch as per the manual. If I have the 2-3 play it is worse. If I reduce it so it’s almost right it makes it marginally better. However, generally it is now much worse and I’ve stopped going out in groups. Neutral is even more difficult and is definitely much worse. I’ve looked at the instructions to change the detent spring (thanks IDK) and mechanically it’s not difficult but I don’t have access to a garage (it would be on my driveway) or jacks so am considering a garage to do the repair. Anything else I should consider whilst they are in there?
You may have wear on the clutch lifting parts, which is not uncommon - especially if the clutch was not adjusted correctly. If that is the case then no amount of clutch adjustment will correct the problem. These parts are removed/replaced during the detent spring repair so those instructions would be good for this repair also.
Wow. Just spoken to 3 garages. All have said the engine needs to come out and minimum of 2.5k (GBP). Sounds as if I might have no option other than to do it myself. Still awaiting a call back from the local main dealer.