Jardines replacement baffles


Apr 28, 2007
South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
As some might remember, I opted to try a set of Jardines without baffles in them.

Following Turbofans "baffle removal" instructions I managed to get them out - however the rims of the baffles crumpled and where damaged, effectively unusable.

Anyways - loud isnt quite the word for them :shock: so I needed to get some baffles in them. I tried dropping around 10 emails to Jardines located in California and no response - so I tried the phone and got hold of them.

Jardines do a replacement baffle service - bespoke for the RocketIII Rumblers - at $35 per side (including lagging / bafflematerial / fibreglass). They charged me $40 for USPS mail to the UK and I am currently awaiting their arrival - so $110 all in. Not bad.

I'll drop a reply when the baffles come and let you know how the reinstallation goes.