Just ordered a set for the Roadster. Cost $1389.00. Wonder what the difference is to go up $400.00.
I currently have 143.2 RWHP with the TOR's and free flowing staintune crossover. I'm hoping to get over 150 at the rear wheel with these headers.
Anybody have any thoughts as to what I'll get in increase in HP and Torque. Current Torque is a 149.
If anybody is interested, I'll be selling the TOR's and Staintune crossover when I get the new pipes in a week or so. Make somebody a good deal if interested.
work will come most likely when you expect it the least and probably doing something different
do not fret and stay happy.. I have experienced this kind of situation and like cats we seem always to fall back on our feet as long as we remain positive in this world of ours
work will come most likely when you expect it the least and probably doing something different
do not fret and stay happy.. I have experienced this kind of situation and like cats we seem always to fall back on our feet as long as we remain positive in this world of ours
Mexico? Now that is a screwed up environment. Things happen for a reason and sometimes it hard to figure out. Good luck and the TOR's await.
Later and have a great day
That could be a possibility here one day. I'll remember you suggested it.
I went with the TOR's triples after the D&D's ... but I sure like the giant twin pipes on the Roadster. Don't see any reason why they wouldn't fit on an '08 Standard.
I haven't heard it done before, I thought I'd be the first to try it.
Personally, I can't think of a single reason why it wouldn't. It's made to fit around the ABS system that you don't have anyway. The rest should be exactly the same ... If you do it before I do, let us know how it goes.