Janus motorcycles

And yet there are 100's of 1000's of Chinese scooters here - getting serious abuse from the mechanically unsympathetic. They just keep imitating the duracell rabbit.

Let me be clear here : I am blatantly and openly of the opinion that the only bikes worth having or lusting over are Italian. Well OK one or two "niche" UK bikes too.

But I lived through the late 70's and early 80 Guzzis and lived to tell the tale. And they had/have some "interesting" QC related issues.
Cars - well I confess I like British cars - despite knowing (like many of us) how well British Leyland cared for it's business through quality. I drive a leaky old Land Rover after all.
I have ridden in the 50s and through the 60s on . . .
In my experience
American is best in most things; however, not so much in vehicles - but improving.
The Indian is the American king of motors.
Can't beat a good Jap vehicle (motor or car) for dependability.
Can't beat a Brit motor for class.
Italian vehicles are high strung, delicate and not dependable.
Fix It Again Tony???

Love Guzzis. Beautiful machines they are. I keep thinking one might be in my future. Even the old ones are beautiful in my book and they just keep getting better.

The manufacturer to watch is the parent company of Royal Enfield. The numbers of bikes they sell each year is staggering and the quality just keeps getting better. That new 650 twin they just came out with is getting rave reviews.
Italian vehicles are high strung, delicate and not dependable.
Old Guzzis are most certainly NOT delicate - It's basically a tractor engined designed for the army. The electrics were something else entirely. CEV - dear God!.
Something many folk do not know is that Ducati started life as an electronics mfr. They made (maybe still do make) very good alternators.

@Navigator - Mike I have been watching the development of the Enfield Twins with great interest. Not really my "look", but I am pleased to see them arrive.
And yes I know I keep on about the Benellis but their parent company is also a serious player (Qianjiang). I have a sneaking suspicion their aim is not so much profit as foreign capital.

My problem right now is indecision. I shall be popping to see my mates at Classicco next week. See what they can suggest (they both have different mindsets). I feel I really need something smaller for pottering about (and Euro4 for city work soon) - Sub 1000cc - I think I'll be happier with a twin - 50-80bhp - tbh about 65 would be spot on. There are LOTS of options I know, but I need their feedback on "owning/running" as opposed to "riding".

One option is simply to spend some time and money on my old V1000-G5. But I'm getting to the point of no return with it. Usable spares are getting VERY hard to find. I have always said I would NEVER sell it. But it maybe coming to the point of mothballing.
My problem right now is indecision. I shall be popping to see my mates at Classicco next week. See what they can suggest (they both have different mindsets). I feel I really need something smaller for pottering about (and Euro4 for city work soon) - Sub 1000cc - I think I'll be happier with a twin - 50-80bhp - tbh about 65 would be spot on.

You are going to the Barcelona-Madrid game now behave yourself bloody English football hooligans.
You are going to the Barcelona-Madrid game now behave yourself bloody English football hooligans.
I have been to one football match in my life - With my dad. He's no longer interested in going (being interred peacefully in a field overlooking a pub) so I no longer have the need to risk such tedium again.

I was very surprised to find that the UK Police Special Branch actually has a department dedicated to combating football hooliganism. I had no idea that they were that much trouble.