My brother had a fat boy years ago and sold it in his divorce. He just purchased a vrod muscle. The dealer is putting on slip on pipes and some sort of fuel commander.
I have an 05 rocket with predators, triple filters, and a canned tune.
I do out weigh him by about 60 to 80 pounds. Bets on how this goes?
Do not under estimate the vrod muscle my pal has one and it can move with the right rider on it, a quick crash diet might help you 5.5 stone is a lot of weight to load on the bike.
I've ridden with a few V-Rods over the years (all were decent riders - read maniacs) I've found the RIII and V-Rod to be pretty equal as far as off the mark and roll ons. Know lots here will tell you they flog V-Rods , just don't wager your whole pay packet is all I'm saying