Welcome to the group and congrats on your new baby!! Agree, a ride home would have made for a good "get to know her" opportunity and gotten her sooner! But, better a few weeks later than never!!
Welcome to the group and congrats on your new baby!! Agree, a ride home would have made for a good "get to know her" opportunity and gotten her sooner! But, better a few weeks later than never!!
There is still snow on the ground up there and the temps are still near freezing. Maybe when I was a little younger but my old bones freeze up real fast now. Arthritis can be a ***** sometimes but.....
Glad I made the decision to ship. Bike is being picked up tomorrow and the owner says it was 15 deg this AM. I hope it has a toasty ride in the enclosed trailer............... Cant wait!!!
I'm still debating picking mine up with a trailer or riding it back. It is friggin cold here with snow way too deep for March. I'm guessing at least another month for me. Glad yours is on the way!
I'm still debating picking mine up with a trailer or riding it back. It is friggin cold here with snow way too deep for March. I'm guessing at least another month for me. Glad yours is on the way!
Cost wise it was much cheaper to ship then take a week off from work, rent a trailer, gas, tolls, hotels, food and other stuff. Or even if I flew into Boston, a last minute plane ride was more then the shipping. And did I say it was friggin cold?????, no wait, you said that....but it is frigging cold. LOL