It doesn't look good for next winter !

Yeah, California will keep roasting, as will the southwest. There was a study done a decade or so back that predicted that when the Arctic started melting, the resulting changes in the atmosphere would cause intense droughts in California. It's certainly evocative looking at California now, and the southwest US has been in severe drought for a decade or more - also expected by many climate change researchers, at +1 degree C (which is basically where we are) the area is expected to start converting back into desert. And it's not going to get better at +2 and +3...
Up here in the Northeast all the old Yankee soothsayers are predicting a brutal winter. I lost power for a week in fridged weather last year. I'm installing a switch over this year just in case.
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Yeah, the extreme heat in one place has to be balanced by super-nasty cold elsewhere. It all depends entirely on where the jet stream moves, last winter there was a huge bubble of arctic air all over the eastern US and a bubble of hot air pushing up on the west. And Scandinavia got rained out, almost no snow.
Well La-dee-F*cking-Dah I live in the "YOUR F*CKED" Area and from my experience, thats exactly what I am going to be this winter. I almost lost my mind last winter after we lost power for a week due to a god **** Ice-storm. If this happens again, Im speeding up my move to the US.
fine with me, get cold, stay cold all winter, turn youre heater up keep our drilling rigs busy
The southwest US is a desert...good call on the drought...very insightful
LOL. My dad and I took a trip from Oklahoma City to Sacramento, Ca via SoCal in a July a few years back. AC in the car crapped out around Texas/New Mexico Boarder....that was miserable.

Last few days in Colorado have been extremely chilly. Like the map said, I'm expect a brutally cold winter with a blizzard or two mixed in for good measure.