@nitinbaweja man and I thought Szczepaniak was a hard name I hope yours is a combination of a couple

I tried pronouncing it but being Polish I am not sure what to do with the W and the J? Anyway No one is saying you have to take it to the dealer because if he has not figured it out it might not get any better if they try again. I remember a few detuned/low,Kw maps for Various countries. Not sure if yours is one or not. Maybe your dealer can flash another tune to see if it make any changes. It is hard to just guess when you are so far away. But if you have any mechanical back ground and are at least like myself and decent with a lap top you can do a little trouble shooting (possible for your dealer) for the cost of 20 USD for a cable and down load the free software to hack into the ecu. I would say no matter what if you own a Rocket the software is worth it just for normal maintenance and trouble shooting. We can help walk you thru the checks. Anyway we are pressing to you because of the bike being so new and under warranty and we do not want you to have any issues. It is also part of the purchase you just got unlucky and have a dealer that has one more operating brain cell then a dead cow!!
You did not answer my rpm questions and if the engine light is on or not. First I am trying to eliminate whether you clutch is slipping and she is winding up. "your statement
1) The bike has done less than 300kms on it but seems doesn't want to go over 100-110Kms/Hr. It seems to be far too revved up at that point, almost like I'm missing a gear (after 5th) when I reach that Kmh. It just like it it is resisting to go beyond that. Has me wondering if the clutch is slipping and you do not realize it or if you are hitting a rev limiter (she will cut out as you hit the limiter.
Now Ian has a good idea on the knock I just wonder if it is more of a cough you feeling under the seat like from the air box?
Hang in there it will get sorted out.