Issues with new Rocket 3 Roadster..Help Please!

Hello Nitin and welcoem from Virginia. I hope you get this issue resolved soonest and am curious what the cause is. I have not heard of this before. I have had my R3 Touring to around 170 KPH without an issue.
If you have any of these tunes in your ECU then you will be severely restricted, and it would explain the low top speed and poor acceleration.

20354, 20354, 20686, 20687, 20774, 20775.

Ask the dealer what the number of the OEM tune is that is in the bike. If the dealer has the Triumph diagnostic tool then he will be able to tell you. If he can't tell you then get the bike back as soon as you can, hook up TuneECU to it, and read the tune from the ECU. It will show you the tune number.
It probably has the map number on the ecu.